The Association of British
Independent Exploration Companies

Climate Change
OGA ESG Taskforce recommends enhanced disclosure and investor reporting
MAR 21

Vital climate-related information will be included alongside other key metrics in oil and gas operators and licensees’ financial reports, following a successful cross-industry taskforce.

The Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) organised an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) taskforce when it became clear from engagement with the investor community - which is itself coming under pressure to play a greater role in supporting low-carbon business - that there was a gap between investor expectations and what was actually being reported.

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New Reporting Standards
New Reporting Standards
  • SEPTEMBER 9, 2019

BRINDEX members planning a common standard of climate related disclosure reporting.

BRINDEX members committed to supporting the British Government's target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050.

The Association of British Independent Exploration Companies (“BRINDEX”), on behalf of its members welcomes the new reporting standards formulated by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD); and are planning a common standard of reporting.
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